
 Concern is an artistic social experiment, expressed in a commercial form. It is a shop-enterprise consisting of various elements that function according to the rules and principles that were specifically defined for it.





We have three main principles: 

⦁ To reject the stereotypical perception of trade and promote its development as a dialogue.
⦁ To turn the store into an independent analytical body.

⦁ To present the manner of operation of the store as the main product instead of focusing on specific product types.




The purpose of Concern is to fade borders between the client and the seller and to turn trade into a free, creative process of reaching a mutually beneficial agreement.


|Trade As The Art of Dialogue and Negotiation


Stereotypically, trade is related to nothing but profitmaking. In our opinion, however, the root of the idea of ​​market and trade lies closer to other concepts. These concepts are dialogue and the art of negotiation. Trade is the exchange of information between two parties, carried out in material and financial ways.


|Shop-enterprise as a smart organism


The most important advantage of Concern is the ability to respond immediately to changes in demand. The market is a smart mechanism with analytical ability that develops sovereignly and Concern aims at modelling this ability experimentally. The request must be processed and acted upon on the spot, but this task must be carried out in a specifical manner, so that the process does not turn into a standard ordering procedure. The store must act as an intelligent mechanism that learns at every moment and uses demand creatively as an impulse for production.